PESA treatment

PESA & TESA are two procedures that are used for the same purpose. Both of the procedures are a type of sperm retrieval procedure that is used to collect sperm from men who have a blockage in their reproductive system. The sperm is then used to fertilize an egg through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)/ICSI.

What is PESA Treatment?

It is a process of surgically retrieving sperm from the epididymis. Extracted sperms to be used in IVF/ICSI procedure to fertilize a mature egg and develop an embryo or to be frozen for future fertility treatment. This treatment is usually done in cases where the man has a blockage in his reproductive system that is preventing him from producing sperm.

Frozen or extracted sperms to be used as part of IVF /ICSI. The retrieved sperm are mixed with the woman’s eggs and then implanted back. This gives the couple the best chance of conceiving.

What Steps are involved in PESA Treatment?

The process involves taking sperm from the husband and using them in fertilizing the egg using IVF/ ICSI.

Steps in this treatment include:

1. Sperm collection: The first step is to collect sperm from the husband. This can be done through ejaculation or by using a special sperm-collecting device.

2. Incubation Period: After the sperm has been collected, the sample is then sent to an embryology lab, where the doctor will select the healthy sperm by using a microscope and then during IVF/ ICSI treatment inject them into the healthy eggs.

After a 24-hour incubation period, the egg is then examined for any signs of fertilization.

3. Insertion process: About 3 to 5 days after the fertilization process begins, the doctor will monitor the embryo’s development under controlled conditions. At this time, the embryo is tested for any chromosomal abnormalities by getting an IVF genetics test. If advised and agreed with the doctor, the embryo is then implanted in the uterus.