Dr Farah Najaf

Specialist Reproductive Medicine and Infertility

Dr Farah Najaf

Dr Farah Najaf boasts experience in the field worth more than 20 years in the UK, Pakistan and the UAE.

She spent the vast amount of her career working as a Specialist in IVF and Reproductive Medicine at Edinburgh Fertility and Reproductive Endocrine Centre (EFREC) at the Royal Infirmary Hospital, one of the largest NHS IVF centres in Scotland. Other services offered were Ovulation induction, PGT (Preimplantation genetic testing), surgical sperm retrieval, egg donation, egg freezing, sperm freezing, embryo freezing and counselling services.

Dr Farah always worked as a part of a dedicated team that dealt with the management of infertile couples (referred from primary care after initial workup), and the management of couples undergoing IVF/ICSI (planning of their cycles, dosage of ovarian stimulation medications, follow-up).

Educational Qualifications:

• FRCOG 2018 December
• Masters in Reproduction and Development, Bristol University, UK-2014
• MRCOG (UK) - 2006
• FCPS (Fellowship in Obs/Gynae) College of Physicians & Surgeons, Pakistan – Sep, 2000
• MCPS (Membership in Obs/Gynae) College of Physicians & Surgeons, Pakistan- March, 2000
• MBBS (Bachelor’s in Medicine/Surgery)
Nishtar Medical College/Bahauddin Zikariya University Multan-September, 1991
• Leadership and Management Certification, 2017
• British Fertility Society(BFS) Pelvic Ultrasound Certification, April 2014
• BFS Certification of Management of Infertile Couple, January 2014
• BFS Certification of Assisted Conception, January 2015
• BFS Certification of Assisted Conception, January 2015
• BFS Certification of Embryo Transfer, January 2015

Memberships & Publications:

• “Clinical pregnancy rate in agonist cycles with use of OCP” Abstract published in BJOJ supplement – 2017
• “Isolated unilateral pleural effusion an atypical presentation of OHSS” Abstract published in BJOG supplement – 2015
• “Isolated FSH deficiency a treatable cause of male factor subfertility” Abstract published in BJOJ supplement April, 2015.
• Effectiveness and safety of vaginal misoprostol for induction of labour in unfavourable cervix in third trimester.(J Ayub Medical College Abottabad,2008;20(3)


Her expertise lies in:
• Pelvic scanning for follicular tracking
• Managing OHSS (Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome)
• Early pregnancy scanning
• Vaginal scan-guided oocyte retrievals
• Embryo transfers