ICSI treatment

What Is ICSI Treatment

The full form of ICSI is Intracytoplasmic sperm injection. This is a technique of assisted reproduction where a single sperm is selected and inserted into the egg of the female with the help of a very sophisticated instrument called a micromanipulator. After the invention of ICSI, the approach to treating male infertility has improved to a greater extent, resulting in excellent results.

ICSI Treatment

If your infertility is caused by male factors, and you are planning to have IVF treatment, receiving an intracytoplasmic sperm injection while you are undergoing the procedure might boost the likelihood of achieving a healthy pregnancy. ICSI is the best treatment of choice for harsh male factors such as obstructive azoospermia.


Fertilization will occur 17 to 20 hours after insemination, in approximately 80% of oocytes, known as fertilized “eggs,” in the laboratory. Even when ICSI is carried out, there are instances in which fertilization does not take place despite the “normal” appearance of the eggs and sperm. The quality of the egg may also play a role in the outcome during the ICSI treatment.

Cases where ICSI is recommended?

– Low sperm count: Oligospermia
– Poor sperm motility: Asthenozoospermia
– Abnormally shaped sperms: Teratozoospermia
– If the sperm has been extracted surgically (TESA, PESA & micro TESE)


The difference between IVF and ICSI is that in ICSI, a single sperm is selected and injected into the egg, while in IVF many sperm are put in a dish with the eggs until one manages to fertilize the egg. The difference is only the laboratory procedure.