Genetic screening

What is Genetic Screening?

When it comes to starting a family, many couples want to be as prepared as possible. One way to do this is through genetic screening. But what exactly is this screening?

Genetic testing is a way to test for specific genetic conditions that may be passed down from parents to their children. This can help couples learn if they are at risk of having a child with a particular condition. It can also help them make informed decisions about their pregnancy and family planning.

What to Expect from the Process?

Couples seeking genetic screening can expect a simple, straightforward process that can provide them with invaluable information about their future children.

The first step is to meet with a fertility specialist who will review the couple’s medical history and discuss their specific risks. The specialist will then recommend the appropriate tests for the couple. These tests are usually quick and painless and can be done in a few minutes. Then upon results, couples make informed decisions about their reproductive options.

Why Getting Genetic Testing for a Couple is Important?

Some of the benefits of couple genetic testing are as below:

1. It reveals if you’re a carrier for certain conditions
This genetic testing can provide valuable information about a person’s risk for passing on certain genetic conditions to their children. In some cases, carriers may not be affected by the condition themselves but can still pass it on to their children.

2. You Can Learn About Your Risks for Certain Diseases
It can tell you about your risks for certain diseases and conditions, and this information can help you counter the disease before it even starts showing its symptoms.

3. It Can Give You Peace of Mind
Another benefit of genetic testing is that it can give you peace of mind. If you have a family history of certain diseases or conditions, genetic tests can help you find out if you’re at risk. After knowing that you are safe from the potential illness, you can be sure that your child can lead a happy and healthy life.

Even If both partners are carriers of the same recessive gene, they may have difficulty conceiving without medical intervention. By undergoing genetic testing, couples can learn about their carrier status and make an informed decision and use assisted reproductive technologies (ART) to get peace of mind that they’ll be able to counter the problem.


PGD/PGS (Prenatal genetic disease / Prenatal genetic screening):

PGD and PGS, are pre-implantation genetic tests. Although these terms may be used interchangeably, they are different.

Preimplantation genetic testing is performed before embryo transfer during IVF so that doctors may pick one without a known or suspected gene problem (PGD), or one without an abnormal number of chromosomes (PGS).

The goal of both PGD and PGS is to increase the chance of selecting a healthy embryo that will develop into a healthy baby. These advancements can make a real difference as birth defects occur in nearly 1 in 20 pregnancies, ranging in severity from minor anatomic abnormalities to extensive genetic disorders, including mental retardation.