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Repeated Miscarriage Treatment

Repeated Miscarriage Treatment


Repeated (Recurrent ) miscarriage, also called recurrent pregnancy loss or habitual abortion occurs when a woman has two or more consecutive clinical pregnancy losses. Doctors define a clinical pregnancy as one having clinical evidence of the pregnancy, such as visual or laboratory indications of the gestational sac (cavity of fluid surrounding an embryo), placenta, or the fetal pole (thickening on the margin of the yolk sac of a fetus) on an early ultrasound.

Miscarriages are quite frequent, happening in 15–20% of all conceptions, most of the time during the first period of pregnancy 13 weeks. In and of itself, a missed pregnancy of one or even two pregnancies does not predict future infertility. However, this may cause patients to become anxious and doubt whether or not they will be able to deliver a healthy baby. After experiencing the loss of multiple pregnancies, there is a chance that a family will continue to have healthy kids without the assistance of medical professionals in more over half of all cases.

Clinical pregnancies differ from chemical pregnancies, during which a miscarriage occurs before there is any evidence of the pregnancy aside from a positive pregnancy or blood test. Of all clinical pregnancies, 15 to 20 percent end in miscarriages.

If, on the other hand, you really haven’t given birth to a live child and have experienced two or more losses, you might wish to investigate the potential reasons more thoroughly. It is referred to as repeated miscarriage when a woman has had three or even more losses in a sequence in rapid succession. This is an uncommon condition that only affects 1% of married couples. However, treatment for repeated miscarriage is available in one way or another such as at our clinic in UAE.


According to ACOG (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists), about 60 percent of all recurrent miscarriages are a result of a genetic abnormality, however, anatomic abnormalities also play a role. As a woman ages, the risk of miscarriage due to genetic abnormalities increases from 15 to 20 percent if she is under the age of 35, and if she is over 40 years old then the abnormalities increase up to 50 percent.


A genetic abnormality can occur when an embryo (fertilized egg) receives an abnormal number of chromosomes during fertilization. This type of genetic cause usually occurs by chance and there is no medical condition associated with it. In a small number of couples who have recurrent miscarriages, one partner may have chromosome translocation (when one piece of a chromosome breaks off and attaches to a second chromosome).


A septate uterus, in which a wall of tissue divides the uterus into two sections, occurs very commonly and can result in recurrent miscarriage. While it is not entirely clear why this leads to recurrent miscarriage, some providers believe that poor vascularity in the septum causes the embryo to stop growing if it implants there. If the pregnancy does make it to term, the fetus may be breech. Fortunately, removing a uterine septum is typically very easy to do surgically. An incompetent cervix cannot remain closed due to weakened muscles. As the developing fetus reaches a certain weight, the weakened cervix cannot support the fetus and sometimes results in miscarriage.


Various types of medical conditions can increase the risk of recurrent miscarriage such as the following:

  • Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)

An autoimmune disorder that occurs when a person’s immune system mistakenly makes antibodies to certain substances that are necessary for blood clotting.

  •  Thyroid/hormonal issues

An overactive or underactive thyroid (an endocrine gland at the base of the neck) can result in hormonal imbalances. Hormonal imbalances can cause a miscarriage if the uterine lining doesn’t develop normally for implantation and nourishment of a fertilized egg. Elevated prolactin (reproductive hormone produced in the pituitary gland) levels can alter the proper development of the uterine lining.

  • Fibroids and polyps

Non Cancerous growths that can grow into and invade the uterus.

  • Asher man’s syndrome

A condition in which scar tissue forms inside the uterus and may result in miscarriage

What factors contribute to repeated miscarriages during pregnancy?

Even if the circumstances for a miscarriage are not always clear, a significant number of patients are able to continue to have a healthy third pregnancy. Even if you’ve already had two abortions, there’s still a 65% chance that your third pregnancy would result in a healthy baby being born. Nevertheless, if a source is identified, the problem may be simple to fix. Determining the reason at this stage may prevent emotional strain especially when repeated miscarriage treatment is available in UAE.

You have a medical condition called as recurrent fetal death because you have had two losses, and it is possible that you may profit from the medical tests that was mentioned above in order to determine whether or not there is an explanation why you are having a miscarriage.

The purpose of the aforementioned research is to determine what causes miscarriages, although the results of the analysis in up to 50–75–% of the instances are benign, and there is no clear explanation for the findings.

What kind of treatment for repeated miscarriage is recommended?

After a series of losses, you will most likely be given blood tests and then a scanning to determine whether or not you have a problem with your reproductive system. You will be transferred to a specialized unit that is devoted to the repeated miscarriage treatment whenever it is possible at our clinic in UAE. In situations like these, receiving high-quality antenatal care that is also supportive can often make a significant impact. There is a little evidence to suggest that visiting an Early Pregnancy Unit may lower a woman’s likelihood of having additional losses.

Blood tests

In order to screen for problems, blood tests are sometimes done as being a treatment for repeated miscarriage. These conditions includes blood coagulation problems, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and excessive levels of specific antibodies. These conditions can compromise with a delivery either by disrupting the circulatory system to the fetus or by creating an improper adhesion of the placenta to the uterine wall.

Surgical procedure

Some issues that manifest in the uterus (lining of the uterus), such as damaged tissue, cysts (benign tumors), or excess tissue that splits the uterus (septum), can indeed be remedied through surgical procedures. In many cases, the risk of having a miscarriage can be reduced by modifying the structure of the interior of the uterus via such repeated miscarriage treatment offered in UAE.

When repairing the internal structure of the uterus, the clinician will insert a device called a hysteroscope, which is equipped with a camera, into the vaginal canal. In most cases, the surgery only takes one day, and the time needed for recuperation ranges from a few mornings to a week.

Genetic testing and analysis

Each of the parents of a child with RPL has a transposition of their genomes in approximately five percent of all cases of RPL among couples. It is possible for a foots to develop chromosomal imbalances and an increased risk of miscarriage if at least one of the parents has a translocation. It is possible to determine whether or not the grandparents have such a translocation by analyzing (karyotyping) their blood. In the event that chromosomal abnormalities are discovered, the attending physician may suggest genetic counselling.

It is possible that your doctor will recommend repeated miscarriage treatment, like in vitro fertilization, despite the fact that many people who have translocations do ultimately spontaneously have a child who is healthy (IVF). Serum and eggs are combined at our clinic as part of the in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure. After in vitro fertilization (IVF), eggs may be examined prior to being implanted into the uterus (preimplantation genetic screening). This makes it possible to select embryos that do not have any translocations, which in turn increases the likelihood of a viable pregnancy.

Lifestyle Decisions

In essence, everything that is good for a woman’s health and promotes her chances of having a successful pregnancy is a good thing. A lower chance of miscarriage can be achieved by giving up risky behaviors like as cigarette smoke and using illegal drugs (like cocaine). Reducing the amount of alcohol as well as caffeine you consume may also be helpful.

There is a correlation between being overweight and having a greater chance of miscarriage, which suggests that a healthy weight reduction could potentially aid improve maternal health. However, the perfect treatment for repeated miscarriage can be anything that your health professional at our clinic suggests you. So don’t forget to consult him before trying out any treatment option on your own.


Treatments for repeated (recurrent miscarriage) can involve lifestyle changes, medications, surgery, or genetic tests to increase the chance of a successful pregnancy. With certain conditions surrounding recurrent miscarriages, medical or surgical treatments can lower a woman’s risk for future miscarriage.

Even after having three miscarriages, a woman has a 60 to 80 percent chance of conceiving and carrying a full-term pregnancy. Often women decide to continue trying to get pregnant naturally, but in certain situations, a doctor may suggest treatments to help reduce the risk of another miscarriage.

If a doctor finds a chromosomal problem such as translocation, he or she may recommend genetic counseling. While many couples with translocations conceive a healthy pregnancy naturally, a doctor might suggest fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), a process in which a reproductive specialist combines eggs and sperm in a lab. The embryos can then be genetically tested using a technique called preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), and only normal ones are transferred to the uterus. This improves pregnancy outcomes.

Making good lifestyle choices, such as stopping cigarette smoking or illicit drug use, limiting alcohol and caffeine, and maintaining a healthy weight, may lower the risk of recurrent miscarriages. There is no proof that stress, anxiety, or mild depression cause recurrent miscarriages.

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