Patient Rights

Patients have the following rights:

  1. To know the type of services that FertiClinic provides.

To be treated to the highest professional standards by appropriate licensed,

  1. qualified and experienced practitioner at FertiClinic.
  • To be treated with dignity and respect, consistent with professional standards for All patients regardless of manner of payment, race, sex, nationality, religion, culture, disability or any other factor.
  • To receive care on the basis of clinical need.
  • To refuse or accept treatment based on personal decision.
  • To receive an emergency medical care regardless of the status of Insurance card.
  • To be referred to a specialist/consultant for special care when there is a clinical need.
  • To receive a detailed explanation of their condition, care, treatment and aftercare, in terms that are free from professional jargon in order that the patient can fully understand.
  • To access their Medical Record and Medical Information and except those records to be up-to date and accurate.
  • To ask for a second opinion or to have their care transferred to another physician if they are not satisfied with the care or opinion provided.
  • The right to privacy during examination, procedures, clinical care/ treatment; and they have the right to know who is in attendance and the purpose of those in attendance on them.
  • The right to give an informed consent for treatment, procedures, and interventions, as per FertiClinic Consent Policy (ADM/008).
  • To receive verbal and written information about any proposed treatment and to be told if there are any alternatives available.

To be informed regarding any uncovered costs and expenses prior to making a

  • To have all clinical and pharmaceutical records kept fully documented, updated and relevant, and personal details and records are kept fully confidential and protected from loss and misuse.
  • The freedom to choose their pharmaceutical care provider.
  • To receive relevant, current and understandable information concerning their drugs and treatment.
  • To be involved in any decision making about their drugs and treatment choices.
  • To discuss and request information related to their specific drug therapy, possible adverse side effects and drug interactions.
  • To have drug therapy monitored for safety and efficacy and to make reasonable efforts to detect and prevent drug allergies, adverse reactions or contraindications.
  • To be provided with Arabic/English interpreters; and all other language barriers to be accommodated based on availability of interpreters.
  • To receive information on how to make a complaint if unhappy about the lack of access to patient’s rights, medical examination or treatment, behavior of the staff or facility safety standards.
  • To have any complaint that they may make, acknowledged, fully investigated, and be provided with a written response as per FertiClinic policy.
  • To be protected from physical assault during their visit/ stay in FertiClinic.
  • To appropriate protection if they are children, disabled, elderly or vulnerable.

To care at the end of their lives, which is respectful and compassionate.

    1. To have reasonable safety in relation to the facility environment and practices.
  • To ensure confidentiality of the conversation, that no any recording – audio or video- of the teleconsultation, in whole or in part, by either the administrator, patient or doctor without patient approval.
  • To provide service and treatment of patient with dignity and respect, professionalism and confidentiality during the course of medical care and other associated services provided to the patient through teleconsultation.

Patients Responsibilities

it is the goal of FertiClinic to assure that the patient receive the best possible health care. FertiClinic reserves the right to expect that the patient will do their best to meet the following responsibilities during their visit at FertiClinic.

The Patient responsibilities are:

To bring their medical card/ insurance card with them every time they attend their appointment at FertiClinic.

  • To follow any specific rules and regulations of FertiClinic.
  • To cooperate during examinations and procedures as required by the care provider.
  • To follow the treatment plan as outlined by the FertiClinic professionals.
  • To show respect and to be courteous to the staff.
  • Not use abusive language and/or display unsocial behavior to other patients, visitors or staff.
  • To show consideration for other patients’ needs at all times, especially where their needs are greater.


To use emergency services and walk in services appropriately or only for very urgent problems.

  • Should give accurate information about personal details and past medical history as well as to inform the medical staff of any treatments and medications that they are taking and history of allergy or of allergic reaction to any medication.
  • Be accountable for their own actions if they decide not to follow the health care provider instructions and/or treatment plan and recommendations.
  • To safeguard any belonging while receiving any healthcare treatment.


To keep outpatient appointments and inform the center if they are unable to attend, in advance so that the appointment may be used for other patients

  • To inform staff if they have any special requirements for discharge. Patient should try to make preparation for discharge to the best of his/her ability as soon as medically fit.
  • To be accountable for the payment any deductible or medical services excluded from the insurance scheme provided by FertiClinics

حقوق ومسؤوليات المرضى

حقوق المريض

للمرضى الحقوق التالية

فيرتيكلينيك معرفة نوع الخدمات التي تقدمها

أن تتم معالجته وفقًا لأعلى المعايير المهنية من قبل ممارس مناسب مرخص ومؤهل وذوي خبرة في فيرتيكلينيك

أن يعامل بكرامة واحترام ، بما يتفق مع المعايير المهنية لجميع المرضى بغض النظر عن طريقة الدفع أو العرق أو الجنس أو الجنسية أو الدين أو الثقافة أو الإعاقة أو أي عامل آخر

تلقي الرعاية على أساس الحاجة السريرية

رفض أو قبول العلاج بناءً على قرار شخصي

الحصول على رعاية طبية طارئة بغض النظر عن حالة بطاقة التأمين

إحالته إلى أخصائي / استشاري لرعاية خاصة عند وجود حاجة إكلينيكية

الحصول على شرح مفصل عن حالتهم ورعايتهم وعلاجهم ورعايتهم اللاحقة ، بعبارات خالية من المصطلحات المهنية حتى يتمكن المريض من فهمها بشكل كامل

للوصول إلى السجلات الطبية والمعلومات الطبية الخاصة بهم وأن تكون هذه السجلات محدثة ودقيقة

طلب رأي ثان أو تحويل رعايتهم إلى طبيب آخر إذا لم يكونوا راضين عن الرعاية أو الرأي المقدم

الحق في الخصوصية أثناء الفحص والإجراءات والرعاية السريرية / العلاج ؛ ولهم الحق في معرفة الحاضرين والغرض من الحضور.

الحق في إعطاء موافقة مستنيرة على العلاج والإجراءات والتدخلات ، وفقًا لسياسة موافقة المرضى

تلقي معلومات شفهية ومكتوبة حول أي علاج مقترح وإبلاغه إذا كان هناك أي بدائل متاحة

أن يتم إبلاغك بأي تكاليف ونفقات غير مغطاة قبل اتخاذ القرار

الاحتفاظ بجميع السجلات الطبية والصيدلانية موثقة بالكامل ومحدثة وذات صلة ، ويتم الاحتفاظ بالتفاصيل والسجلات الشخصية بسرية تامة وحمايتها من الضياع وسوء الاستخدام

حرية اختيار مقدم الرعاية الصيدلانية

الحصول على معلومات ذات صلة وحديثة ومفهومة تتعلق بأدويتهم وعلاجهم

المشاركة في اتخاذ أي قرار بشأن أدويتهم وخيارات العلاج

لمناقشة وطلب المعلومات المتعلقة بعلاجهم الدوائي المحدد ، والآثار الجانبية الضارة المحتملة والتفاعلات الدوائية

مراقبة العلاج الدوائي للتأكد من سلامته وفعاليته وبذل جهود معقولة لاكتشاف ومنع الحساسية للأدوية أو التفاعلات العكسية أو موانع الاستعمال

أن يتم تزويده بمترجمين للغة العربية / الإنجليزية. وجميع حواجز اللغة الأخرى التي سيتم استيعابها بناءً على توافر المترجمين الفوريين لتلقي معلومات حول كيفية تقديم شكوى إذا كنت غير راضٍ عن عدم الوصول إلى حقوق المريض أو الفحص الطبي أو العلاج أو سلوك الموظفين أو سلامة المنشأة