Dr. Mohamed Taranissi (FRCOG)

Medical Director of ARGC United Kingdom

Dr. Mohamed Taranissi (FRCOG)

Dr. Mohammed Taranissi is the founder and medical director of the Assisted Reproduction & Gynaecology Centre (ARGC) in London. ARGC is one of the most successful fertility clinics in the world, having achieved the highest IVF success rates in the UK every year, since its inception in 1995, as validated by the HFEA (UK government’s fertility regulator).

Mr. T (as he is affectionately known by his patients & staff) pioneered several techniques in the UK, which have since become accepted practice in many fertility clinics such as the use of Viagra to improve uterine lining, the investigations into recurrent implantation failure of embryos, and the immunology of implantation. This enabled him to identify and offer novel treatment to couples suspected of suffering from this type of infertility.

Under his leadership, the ARGC was also granted the first licenses in the UK for Egg Freezing, PGT-A for aneuploidy screening, and HLA Tissue Typing to create “Savior Siblings”. Most IVF clinics offer a standard ‘one-size-fits-all’ type of treatment. Dr. Taranissi’s philosophy is that every patient is an individual, and as such, their fertility treatment should be personalized. Dr. Taranissi has always attracted many international patients based purely on reputation and recommendation.

By working with FertiClinic he hopes to help many more couples, by seeing them locally and at an earlier point in their fertility journey.



